Using Collabora Online on Cloud Raya NextCloud’s VM

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Using Collabora Online on Cloud Raya NextCloud’s VM

Collabora Online enables us to edit documents in real time, right in our browser. Not only that, we can also edit, add comments to the document together with other users, just like the features of Microsoft365 or other collaboration tools providers.

Collabora Online supports dozens of document formats including DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX + ODF, Import/View Visio, Publisher and more.

Impact and Benefits when using Collabora Online

There are many impacts and benefits that we can get when adding Collabora to our NextCloud, including:

  • Easy document collaboration in one NextCloud platform.
  • Can edit documents simultaneously directly with the user we want.
  • Complete document compatibility. Starting from DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, ODF, and many more document formats.
  • Based on LibreOffice, which is full-featured and more secure as all data and infrastructure controls are on our side.
  • Free & Open-source

Collabora Online Integration within NextCloud

↳ At first, we don’t have the option to create an Office document.
↳ And when we open a document that we have on NextCloud, we can’t edit it directly in the browser but can only download it.
↳ To install Collabora, log back in to your Admin account. On the main dashboard, access the Apps menu.
↳ Then on the Office & Text tab, look for NextCloud Office. Select “Download and Enable“.
↳ If you check on Settings, Collabora Online requires a server that acts as a WOPI Client (an application that functions to edit files provided by the WOPI host).

Implementation example:

  • WOPI host -> NextCloud
  • WOPI client -> Collabora Online (Office Online Server)

There are 3 options that we can specify here, want to create our own server, use the built-in from CODE (Collabora Online Development Edition), or use a demo server from Collabora.

In this article we will use the built-in CODE. If your needs are more advanced, I suggest that you create a dedicated server for this WOPI Client.

↳ Now we return to the Apps page, and look for Collabora Online – Built-in CODE Server. Click “Download and Enable“.
↳ If so, now we open the “File” menu again. And when we click the “+” button, it is observed that the feature to create Office documents has appeared.
↳ And when you open an Office file, it is also monitored that it will automatically open the Collabora Online editor just like in Office365.
↳ We can also collaborate on document files with other users we invite.


All in all, i hope you would fine this article helpful. To find other information, feel free to check other Cloud Raya’s Knowledge Base and blog.

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