Maximize Your Storage Raya Access Speed with Content Delivery Network (CDN)

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Maximize Your Storage Raya Access Speed with Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Introducing CDN (Content Delivery Network) – feature in Storage Raya to overcome this issue. 

For you who have been quiet often using Storage Raya service (S3 Object Storage from Cloud Raya), you must have experienced slow load when you or your customer try to access the assets (data) inside Storage Raya from different region or outside Indonesia.  

It happens due to the increasing number of hops between your geographical location and the physical location of the data. 

Worry not, Cloud Raya will always be committed to improving your experience. 

Before we find out a simple way to activate a CDN on Storage Raya, let’s get acquainted briefly with CDN technology and how it works. 

What is CDN (Content Delivery Network)?

CDN is a technology that enables user to have quick access of their assets (data) by caching it from the origin location, to the edge server that is closer to user geographical location.​

How CDN (Content Delivery Network) works?

To make it easier to understand what CDN is, let’s see how CDN works.

Before the releasement of Content Delivery Network, when we wanted to access assets that were in Object Storage, we need to access the assets directly from it’s original region. So if our geographical location is quite far from the physical location of the Object Storage service, the latency and transfer rate will be slower. 

With the presence of CDN in Storage Raya, the process of accessing assets in Storage Raya will be different. 

When there is a request to access assets in our Object Storage, the Content Delivery Network Core controller will catch the request, and determine which edge server (cache server) is closest to the accessor’s location. When it has been determined, the Edge server will caching the assets from the origin location (object storage). After that, the user will access the edge server instead of the origin location. 

How CDN benefits Storage Raya

With CDN, Storage Raya unlocks even better potential. Such as:

  • Faster
    CDN brings data closer to user’s region, enable user to access their data faster.​
  • Simpler
    Minimize bandwidth cost by reducing and simplifying origin server traffic requests.

CDN Implementation

Okay, let’s implement and use a CDN on Storage Raya.

Actually the method is also quite straight forward, and super simple.

Content Delivery Network

↳ First of all, log in to your account in Cloud Raya panel, then access Resources -> Object Storage menu.

The menu to activate CDN can be found when you “create bucket”, or when you want to change the configuration from your existing bucket.

1. Enable the CDN when creating the bucket

↳ Click on Create Bucket.

↳ Enter the name of the bucket, region, and file listing as usual like when you use Storage Raya. At the very bottom there will be a new option whether we want to activate the CDN or not. So to activate the CDN feature you only need to “check” this option. When you are done, click Create Bucket.

Content Delivery Network

↳ When it successfully activated, there will be a new CDN Endpoint under the URL information. This endpoint is what you need to use when accessing assets in your Storage Raya. This endpoint will automatically determine which edge server is closest to the location of the content accessor. 

2. Activating CDN from Existing Bucket

If you already have a bucket but haven’t activated the CDN, you can do the following steps to activate it. 

↳ Click on Action, then click on Enable CDN. Later, a CDN Endpoint will also appear. 

3. Disabling CDN on Existing Bucket

If you want to disable the CDN on a bucket with active CDN, you can do the following steps.

↳ Click on “Action”, then click on “Disable CDN”.

Some things you have to take note about Storage Raya CDN

  1. At times, Cloud Raya Edge Server are in Seattle, Singapore, and Jakarta.
  2. Edge server caching is 1 hour expired time.
  3. When you delete the assets on origin location, then the assets will also automatically deleted on the edge server. 


Storage Raya now is featured with CDN to help you access your data faster in Storage Raya and also help you to reduce bandwidth cost. Now you can deliver your files closer to your users by activating the CDN in Storage Raya. 

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