Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster on KubeRaya

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Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster on KubeRaya

For developers seeking to harness containerization’s potential in their applications, container usage has significantly streamlined the development process. However, managing containers at a large scale poses a serious challenge that shouldn’t be underestimated.

This is where Kubernetes, the renowned container orchestrator, steps in, automating the deployment and scaling of containers. However, navigating the intricacies of Kubernetes can be a daunting task, prompting professionals to seek a streamlined solution.

Introducing KubeRaya, a Kubernetes as a Service by CloudRaya, a lifeline for effective Kubernetes management without the complexities, enabling these professionals to concentrate on building and deploying applications with ease.

Introducing KubeRaya, a Kubernetes as a Service by CloudRaya, a solution that helps professionals in deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters more efficiently, allowing them to focus on application development and deployment with ease.

Intended Users

This guide will explain the steps to deploy a Kubernetes Cluster within KubeRaya and assumes that you already have experience in using Kubernetes.

Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster

It only takes a few simple steps to deploy our first Kubernetes cluster.

Once you are logged into the CloudRaya User panel, on the left of the dashboard, navigate to the ‘Resources > Kubernetes‘ menu.

The list of Kubernetes clusters you have launched will be displayed on this page. To create a new one, simply click ‘+ Add New Cluster‘.

Fill in the cluster information in the provided fields:

  • Location: Choose the location where the cluster will be launched.
  • Cluster Name: Enter the name for your cluster.
  • Kubernetes Version: Select your desired Kubernetes version.
  • Project Tag: If you have a project tag preference, choose the relevant tag. You can find a guide on using the Project Tag feature on the following page: link.
  • Select Plan: Choose the specification type for the nodes in your cluster.
  • Description: Provide a brief description or summary of your cluster to help identify its purpose or key attributes.
  • Number of Nodes: Select how many nodes are needed in the cluster (a minimum of 2 nodes: 1 Master Node and 1 Worker Node).
  • High-Availability: If needed, enable the high-availability option, which will add an additional Master Node to the cluster (resulting in 2 Master Nodes) for enhanced reliability.

Once all the information is correctly filled in, click ‘Add New Cluster‘ to initiate the cluster deploy process.

Managing the Freshly Deployed Kubernetes Cluster

Once you’ve successfully deployed the Kubernetes cluster, you can now start managing it.

Under ‘List Cluster,’ click on the cluster’s name to view detailed information about that cluster.

You will find several tabs on the ‘Cluster Detail’ page.

▶ Overview Tab

In the “Overview” tab, you will find important information about your cluster, such as the launch date, the total specifications of nodes used, the Kubernetes cluster’s primary public IP address, and a button to download the kubeconfig file.

▶ Resources Tab

In the “Resources” tab, you will find a list of nodes in this cluster, along with each node’s role (shown in the node names), private IP address, and their status. Any additional Public IPs you add to the cluster will also be displayed here.

To add a new node to the cluster, you can click the ‘Scalling Cluster‘ button. This process will restart your cluster.

▶ Action-Log Tab

On the “Action Log” tab, you will find a list of activity logs that show what you have done in the cluster.

Accessing the Kubernetes Cluster

Now, you can start accessing and operating your Kubernetes Cluster.

Go back to the ‘Overview’ tab, and click the ‘Download Config File‘ button to start downloading the kubeconfig file. This file contains the credentials and endpoint information required to manage your cluster.

Beforehand, make sure you have installed kubectl on the workstation where you access your Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl , Kubernetes' command-line tool, serves various purposes, such as managing clusters and interacting with your cluster resources.

If you haven't installed it, please visit this Kubernetes documentation page for installation instructions.

Rename the kubeconfig file you downloaded earlier to config and move it to its default location, which is ~/.kube unless you want to specify a custom kubeconfig file location via command-line or environment variable.

For Windows users, the default location is typically C:\Users\<Username>\.kube\ 

Now, try accessing the cluster by running the following command:

				kubectl get nodes

For further information, including a comprehensive list of kubectl commands, please refer to this kubectl reference documentation.

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