Load Balancing in Cloud Raya

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Load Balancing in Cloud Raya

Load Balancing is a technique for distributing traffic loads on two or more connection lines in a balanced way so the traffic can run optimally, maximize throughput, minimize response time and avoid overloading one of the connection lines.

As your server is growing and your visitor/user is increasing, you will need a good load balancing system. You may know some of the popular load balancing systems such as Nginx, HAProxy, Balance, Pen, etc. However, you will need experience in setting up these systems. Of course, it is not easy to set up.

Don’t worry, Cloud Raya can do the magic.
Once you log into the control panel https://cp.cloudraya.com, there is a menu at the left side of the dashboard. You can click “Networking” and then choose “Load Balance”

How to Set Your Load Balancing System Up in Cloud Raya

Follow these seven easy and simple steps to load balance in Cloud Raya.

  1. Please click “Add New Load Balancer” to add your Loadbalance

  2. Please fill the box with your desire location and name

    For Algorithm there is 3 method that you can choose:

    * Round Robin is a simple way to distribute the load to each server or virtual machine in turn. If you have a 3 VMs or members in a loadbalancer group, then inbound request will be passed on to the 3 VMs in turn. VM-1 first will get the 1st request, then the 2nd request will be directed to VM-2 and the 3rd request will be directed to VM-3. Finally, VM-1 will get the 4th request and so on.

    * Least Connection method uses or tracks the number of requests or connections to the VM and make its decision based on those numbers. The member which has the least connection is chosen to accept that request.

    * Source or source IP hash method in a way that the source and the destination IP addresses are hashed which will make it sticky to that particular member or the VM that accepts the request.

  3. After create some Loadbalance rule, it will show like this

  4. To add the VM that you desire to loadbalance, please click “Configure”

  5. You will be redirected to the VM list, please click “Assign new VM”

  6. After assign the VM, you will see it in the list of Assigned VM.

  7. You can assign VM more than 2 for better performance in accordance with the visitors

Done, you have your Loadbalance system on your VM just in 7 steps.

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