Implementing Continuous Integration with Gitlab CI and Continuous Delivery with Rancher Fleet

Introduction Before implementing the mechanism in Rancher Fleet, we need to know what we would do with the CI and CD. In this article, continuous integration (CI) means pushing our image build through Dockerfile to the registry. Meanwhile, continuous delivery (CD) means delivering our Kubernetes workload (deployments, services, Ingresses, etc) to the Kubernetes cluster. The…

Set Up WAF KEMP in Cloud Raya Part 2

INTRODUCTION Hello! Still discussing about WAF KEMP, now let’s continue to add setup some WAF rules on the SubVS of virtual services. Kemp Web Application Firewall (WAF) services are natively integrated into the Kemp LoadMaster. This enables secure deployment of web applications, preventing Layer 7 attacks while maintaining core load balancing services which ensures superior…