ElkarBackup: GUI Based backup Tools based on Rsync and Rsnapshot

For those who don’t know what is rsync and its capabilities. Please refer to the following article for a detailed explanation. What is ElkarBackup? ElkarBackup is a free open-source software (under the terms of GPL V3) and it’s based on other open-source technologies: ElkarBackup has the following features: Installation ElkarBackup Please follow the instruction below for…

Improving Webserver Performance with SSL Termination on NGINX Load Balancer

Once we’ve learned about NGINX as a load balancer to distribute load among our webservers, the next critical factor is securing our web system. One of the most essential ways is by using the SSL or Secure Sockets Layer protocol. SSL not only encrypts data transmitted between the webserver and the user but also provides…

Using NGINX as an HTTP Load Balancer

NGINX is a versatile open-source software that can act as a web server, reverse proxy, and HTTP load balancer. NGINX boasts fast and efficient performance, managing thousands of connections simultaneously while utilizing relatively few server resources. Moreover, NGINX also has security and scalability features, making it a favorite among developers and system administrators. It’s highly…

Automating Task with Cronjob

So many routine tasks on a system that need to be done every day. Hence, it’s difficult to remember everything that needs to be done on time. However,  some of the scenarios for executing routine tasks on a system includes: Firstly, backing up websites or web applications, databases, or logs periodically One of the tools…