Pengertian, Fungsi & Cara Kerja VPC Network
VPC atau Virtual Private Cloud merupakan teknologi cloud yang memungkinkan penggunanya mengisolasi sumber dayanya di sebuah lingkungan public cloud. Salah satu keunggulan VPC adalah pengaturan
And Many More…
ISO27001 certification, fully isolated resources, and supported by advanced security features like Firewall, VPN, VPC, and more, will surely keep your data safe.
We are built on HA infrastructures with enterprise Grade SSD, resilient network built on multi-carriers, and local exchanges support, to optimize the uptime.
Freely customize infrastructure, scale up anytime, and control budgeting with our pay-per-use billing system.
Our fast provision, user-friendly panel, and flexible billing plan, will efficiently help you save more time, effort, and cost.
Simple, fast, and secure cloud server. Flexibly design your own VM, scale-up anytime, Launch in no time.
Storage Raya is made for everyone because it's compatible with S3, highly resilient, as well as supported by CDN and metadata.
Built your powerful yet secure cloud environment equipped with VPN, VPC, Firewall, Load Balancer, and IP Management.
Regular Backup to advance Cybersec Backup solution is ready to secure your valuable data.
Add WHM cPanel and SSL/TLS easily in CloudRaya user-friendly panel for better web and app performance.
Need an extended hand? CloudRaya's expert engineers are ready on your service.
CloudRaya provides API Docs ready to be used by every layers of users.
Ready to assist with your issues at any time.
Enable you access to your projects faster.
Allows you to deploy all services within seconds.
Prevent you from having an unintended budget.
Ensures data availability for 24/7 non-stop.
Allows you to divide billing reports per project.
Brings data closer to you for better experience.
Gives you easy access to everything you need.
VPC atau Virtual Private Cloud merupakan teknologi cloud yang memungkinkan penggunanya mengisolasi sumber dayanya di sebuah lingkungan public cloud. Salah satu keunggulan VPC adalah pengaturan
Agar tetap bertahan di era percepatan digitalisasi ini, bisnis dituntut untuk terus berinovasi dan beradaptasi dengan cepat. VPS (Virtual Private Server) menjadi salah satu solusi
Object Storage merupakan jenis penyimpanan cloud berbasis object yang dapat menyimpan berbagai jenis file di dalamnya. Object Storage banyak difungsikan untuk kebutuhan backup, archiving, dan